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  • 普通商家
  • 豪塔(上海)機械設備有限公司
  • 主要經(jīng)營:進口高空作業(yè)平臺、進口高空作業(yè)車、高空升降平臺、高空升降機、高空作業(yè)平臺、高空作業(yè)車、升降平臺廠家、升降機價格、搬運車、堆高車、叉車等
  • 經(jīng)營模式:叉車及物流搬運設備制造商 叉車整機廠家直銷商 物料搬運機械 科研機構和協(xié)會 
  • 所在地區(qū):中國 上海市 浦東新區(qū)
  • 在線交談: 中國叉車網(wǎng)(qcxy.net.cn)客服咨詢
  • 電話:400-019-0081
Sales Engineer銷售工程師
發(fā)布時間: 2020-02-25 有效日期: 2020-02-29
所屬行業(yè): 制造行業(yè) 所屬職位: 銷售工程師
工作地點: 中國上海市  或  北京 廣州 職位性質(zhì): 全職
工作地點: 2人 招聘部門: 銷售部
性別要求: 先生 婚姻要求: 不限
年齡要求: 25 ~ 35歲 學歷要求: 碩士
職位薪資: 18000 ~ 25000元/月 工作經(jīng)驗: 3 年以上
薪資待遇: 五險一金周末雙休帶薪年假年終雙薪年終獎金節(jié)日福利績效獎金午餐補貼住房補貼通訊補貼交通補貼年度旅游定期體檢技能培訓股票期權全勤獎彈性工作
外語能力: 英語  精通 其他外語: 德語
國語要求: 精通 粵語要求: 不限


Sales Engineer銷售工程師

個人素質(zhì)要求Personal Attribute Requirements:
1. 流利的英文說寫能力,熟練操作MS辦公軟件;
Fluent in both spoken and written English. Strong skills in MS office software;
2. 良好的溝通、表達能力,具有高度的工作熱情;
Good abilities of communication and expression with warm enthusiasm;
3. 良好的團隊合作精神,較強的觀察力和應變能力、吃苦耐勞;
Team-working spirit. Strong observation and flexibility skills. Hard-working;
4. 成熟的個性,具備主動和積極工作態(tài)度;
    Mature, active and positive;
5. 適應頻繁出差。
Frequent travelling required.
工作職責及內(nèi)容 Responsibilities:
1. 中英文翻譯詢價文件、技術方案/技術附件;
Making translation between Chinese and English for inquiry data and technical proposal/technical annex;
2. 配合德方工程師或代理商,確定詢價信息是否符合公司產(chǎn)品設計范圍、出具性能曲線圖、初步技術方案、編寫選型方案和技術規(guī)范;
Assisting German engineers or supporting agents checking if the inquiry data falls into FIMA design range, providing performance curves/ preliminary technical offers and finalizing technical proposals;
3. 完成或陪同德方工程師完成項目售前的技術交流工作、開工會、設計審查會等技術會議;
Participating in technical meetings, i.e. technical clarification (before sales) meeting, kickoff meeting and design liaison meeting etc., independently or as the support for German engineers;
4. 按時完成投標文件的編訂和投標澄清答疑工作;
Finalizing bidding document as per the prescribed time schedule and participating in the clarification for bid;
5. 按照公司要求,定期拜訪客戶,按時完成客戶拜訪報告及公司要求的銷售報告;
Arranging for customer visits on regular basis, finishing customer visit reports and periodical sales reports as per the prescribed time schedule;
6. 跟蹤所有銷售機會
Following up all business opportunities ;
7. 完成年度銷售目標;
Accomplishing annual sales target;
8. 配合項目經(jīng)理,處理項目執(zhí)行過程中的技術問題、與客戶的技術溝通;
Supporting project manager in technical questions during project execution;
9. 配合售后服務工程師,處理售后服務過程中的技術問題;
Supporting service engineer in technical questions during after-sale service;
10. 負責與總部德方技術人員、設計院、工程公司和最終業(yè)主技術團隊的溝通;
Being responsible for communication with German engineers at FIMA HQ, design institutes, engineering companies and end-user technical team;
11. 按時完成上級交辦的所有工作。
Finishing other tasks assigned by supervisors as per the prescribed time schedule.
具體工作經(jīng)驗要求Working Experiences Requirements:
Above two-year working experience in technical design and sales for rotating equipment, fresh graduates are also welcome. 

豪塔專注于高空作業(yè)平臺?高空作業(yè)車 升降平臺?升降機?高空升降平臺 移動式升降平臺 鋁合金高空作業(yè)平臺 剪叉式高空作業(yè)平臺 剪叉式高空作業(yè)車 曲臂式高空作業(yè)平臺 直臂式高空作業(yè)平臺 自行式高空作業(yè)平臺 電動高空作業(yè)平臺 移動式高空作業(yè)平臺 電動搬運車 電動堆高車 電動叉車 豪塔為您提供安全、節(jié)能、高效、環(huán)保的產(chǎn)品.



