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2021-08-23 08:49 性質(zhì):轉(zhuǎn)載 作者:科尼港口解決方案 來源:科尼港口解決方案
科尼集團與南卡羅來納港口公司(South Carolina Ports)簽訂了一份合同,為該公司提供12臺輪胎式龍門起重機(RTG)混合動力改造,這是一項具有里程碑意義的新...

科尼集團與南卡羅來納港口公司(South Carolina Ports)簽訂了一份合同,為該公司提供12臺輪胎式龍門起重機(RTG)混合動力改造,這是一項具有里程碑意義的新技術(shù)合同,可在不影響設(shè)備性能的情況下顯著減少碳排放,并降低客戶運營成本。

Konecranes has won a contract with South Carolina Portsto supply 12 Rubber Tire Gantry (RTG) retrofit hybrid power packs, a milestone contract for new technology that offers significant carbon emission reductions and lower operating costs – without compromising performance.


The conversion of the 12 20-year-old Charleston-based Konecranes diesel RTG cranes will begin in January 2022. The contract complements Konecranes’ momentum in the region, with over 30 new hybrid RTGs delivered to ports across America since 2020.


“In partnership with Konecranes and through the support of our grant funding, SC Ports will upgrade 12 RTG cranes with hybrid battery/genset engine systems, making them both high performing and energy efficient, Konecranes’ technology aligns well with our efforts to invest in equipment that both enhances terminal operations and offers environmental benefits.”

Barbara Melvin

SC Ports Chief Operating Officer



EPA-approved new hybrid technology

西弗吉尼亞大學(WVU)在位于南卡羅來納州港口的Wando Welch碼頭進行了綜合測試方案后,美國環(huán)境保護局(EPA)于2021年4月批準了科尼集團的新混合動力技術(shù)。科尼集團與西弗吉尼亞大學(WVU)合作,使用新的混合動力組件測試和測量輪胎式集裝箱門式起重機(RTG)的廢氣排放,WVU得出結(jié)論:“與傳統(tǒng)的Tier3柴油電動集裝箱門式起重機相比,其一氧化碳排放減少了95% 以上?!?/p>

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved Konecranes’ new hybrid technology in April 2021 after a comprehensive testing protocol conducted by West Virginia University (WVU) at South Carolina Ports’ Wando Welch Terminal. Konecranes partnered with WVU to test and measure RTG exhaust emissions using the new hybrid power packs, with WVU concluding: “Carbon monoxide emissions were observed toreduce by over 95%compared with conventional Tier 3 Diesel-electric RTG cranes.”


The approval means that South Carolina Ports, and other US ports, are assured of the efficacy and sustainabilityof Konecranes’ technology, and it comes at a time when the agency is offering companies the chance to apply for grants like the DERA (Diesel Emissions Reduction Act) as they convert to more sustainable equipment. Funding for this retrofit is partially provided through a 2019 DERA grant that was awarded to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, in partnership with South Carolina Ports.


The hybrid power pack retrofit is part of Konecranes’ suite of Ecolifting?products that have been engineered from the ground up to deliver dramatically reduced carbon exhaust emissions. Ecolifting?in turn is part of the company’s overall vision of a low-carbon, sustainable future.

科尼集團美國港口服務(wù)部副總裁Scott Lane表示:“南卡羅萊納州港口公司決定選用科尼集團的新技術(shù),這標志著該行業(yè)正越來越關(guān)注可持續(xù)性發(fā)展以更好應(yīng)對需求的增長。我們與南卡羅萊納港口公司合作超過24年,希望能借此次起重機車隊優(yōu)化的契機進一步擴大雙方合作關(guān)系。任何人都可以在發(fā)動機上添加電池并稱其為‘混合動力’,但我們的不同之處在于是自己制造驅(qū)動和控制系統(tǒng),因此科尼集團是唯一一家可以進行全方位升級而不影響起重機性能的公司。本次協(xié)議的簽訂展示了科尼集團的全球?qū)嵙?,這包括來自美國和芬蘭的工程師團隊,還有我們的RTG開拓者Jorma Merimaa,他們與我們一起創(chuàng)造了出色的業(yè)績?!?/p>

“The decision of South Carolina Ports to opt for Konecranes’ new technology is an indicator of things to come in an industry where the focus is increasingly on finding sustainable waysto stay ahead of growing demand. We have worked with South Carolina Ports for over 24 years and look forward to extending that relationship as we optimize their RTG fleet,” said Scott Lane, VP of Konecranes’ US Port Services. Anyone can add a battery to an engine and call it ‘hybrid’, but because we manufacture our own drive and control systems, we are the only company that can conduct a full upgrade on a turnkey basis without compromising crane performance. This agreement shows the global strength of Konecranes, involving engineers in the US and Finland, including our RTG pioneer Jorma Merimaa, and the results have been sensational.” 


A strong focus on customers and commitment to business growth and continuous improvementmake Konecranes a lifting industry leader. This is underpinned by investments in digitalization and technology, plus our work to make material flows more efficient with solutions that decarbonize the economy and advance circularity and safety.



